The Blessing of the Temple

This is obviously the Ogden Temple but I couldn't find a recent one of the Oquirah Mountain Temple that I've taken. 

I had the amazing opportunity to attend the temple last Saturday with my family. Being that I am going to college and no longer living at home these experiences are few and far between where the majority of us can get together. We went to the Oquirah Moutain temple, and being that I have only been to that temple twice in my life (once for the open house and once for baptisms for the dead) it was a special treat!

We were going to attend the three o'clock endowment session but by the time the majority of my family members arrived it was already full. So we made the decision to do sealings instead. Remembering that I had not printed out my Aunt Sennet's sealing to parents card yet I ran to my locker only to find it full. I managed to finally get to my phone, find a way to print out the card and dash to the sealing room.

I only fell up the stairs once! There were a lot of witnesses.... It was awkward.

However, I was able to help seal my Aunt to her parents and it was an incredible experience. I just want to say thank you so much to this amazing temple worker who took my phone upstairs to the office to print out the card for me and was so helpful in helping me find the sealing room my family was in. You were seriously an angel!

After we went to my sister's house to eat food and play games. I couldn't help but think that day how incredibly amazing family is. Sure we may fight, sometimes not speak to each other, or live long distances apart. However, family is family. It's one of the most important things we have on this earth and I do not know what I would do without mine.

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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