Sorry Its Been a Bit

Okay, so not going to lie I just really have not had anything major to write about. I have a lot going no but I doubt you all want to hear a long lengthy discussion about chromosomes or why researching people in Indiana is better than Pennsylvania.

Anyways, I'm busy. Finals are coming up here soon (excuse me while I go hide in a blanket fort...), and I really am nervous this time.

I really just don't know what has been hard about this semester. I mean it should not be that difficult because I'm pretty confident in what I'm doing with my major and I love history. But again I say that after every semester, hahaha.

I'll try to get more exciting content up soon. But for right now I just have hardcore writers block. Probably a combination of the fact that:

  1. I'm stressed
  2. My family is in Hawaii right now without me because BYU does not believe in Spring Break (we get one day... ONE DAY. And that was like two weeks ago?)
  3. Spring has decided to stay in bed for a few more weeks. (Honestly, It's snowing here today. And it's the 29th. To say I'm irritated would be an understatement). 
So here I am just honestly being a college student and doing what college students do best: surviving. 

To those who read this blog, thank you. You give me a place where I can vent my frustrations, random musings and just talk about my crazy life in general. 


Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

1 comment:

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