Thoughts on Understanding Isaiah

This week for my blog post I just wanted to share somethings that I learned in institute this week about understanding Isiah because it has helped me so incredibly much with reading those sections in the Book of Mormon.

3 Nephi 23:1 says, "And now, behold, I say unto you, that ye ought to search these things. Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; for great are the word of Isaiah."

To give you context about this verse this is when Christ is speaking to the people of the Americas. Okay, now re-read that verse again now that you know who is talking. Basically, Christ has commanded us to read Isaiah! Daunting right? Especially when we think about how hard Isaiah can be to understand but I learned some things this week that might help with that.

Isaiah is not only a prophet of the Lord, but he is also a Hebrew poet. That means that he uses a lot of metaphors and describes a lot of things several ways to paint a visual in our minds.

So, in Isaiah's day here is basically what is going on. The twelve tribes of Israel were once one body but split into two, ten tribes went north and two tribes went south.

  • The Kingdom of Isreal is the ten tribes that went north, important people are:
    • Elijah and Elisha 
  • Judah also referred to as Zion, is the two tribes that went south, important people from there are:
    • Lehi
    • Elijah
    • Daniel 
Now, Isaiah lived in Judah and is writing from 740-701 B.C He witnesses a lot of history because in 721 B.C Assyria comes and wipes out Syria, Isreal, and Judah. The only city that is not captured is Jerusalem and that is where Isaiah is living. 

Now we have the historical context of what is going on in his day we can begin to understand some things better. Such as, Zion is not referring to a person or a state of being, it is referring to Judah. 

I like many other people thought that many of Isaiah's prophecies were talking about our day, not his or Christs. But I was so wrong! Isaiah's prophecies apply to this day, Christ's day and our day! For example 2 Nephi 12:2 where it talks about all nations flowing onto the Lord's house which will be in the mountains. Well, there was a temple in Isaiah's day, a temple in Christ's day and temples in our day! That prophecy, like many others that Isaiah wrote, has been fulfilled over and over again! Which is amazing. 

I used to never understand or even like reading Isaiah but now I find I absolutly love it! 

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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