Jacob 5

This week in institute we talked about the amazing complex block of scripture that is Jacob 5. I have had this block of scripture explained to me several times in many classes but this explanation was just amazing.
My teacher applied this section to our own lives, specifically sometimes in this life we get pruned. We get cut back. We work so incredibly hard and put so much time and effort into a path in our lives only for that door to be closed permanently even though we have worked so hard and expected to be blessed! 
Jacob 5 explains that trees must be pruned for them to bear forth good fruit. Is it any wonder that sometime's our Heavenly Father prunes us? One of my favorite quotes is one that I found while on my mission. I was struggling with severe depression and anxiety, something I still struggle with today, and I felt exactly like the current bush in the Mormon Message above.
I was a missionary! I was trying so hard to be good, pushing myself to be the best I could, and working harder in an effort to be blessed with the promise in Preach My Gospel.
Instead of things getting better like I expected things got so bad that I eventually had to come early from my mission. One quote that helped me find some perspective while I went through that trial was, "God loves us so much more than our happiness."-unknown.

Sometimes to be the people that Heavenly Father wants us to be we have to go through trials, we have to be cut down, because he has such a greater plan for us. I learned that as I came home early from my mission. My Heavenly Father had a greater plan for me, and I promise that as you go through this life and find that you are being cut down just hold on because He has so many great things in store for you. 

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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