2nd Nephi 33:1 says: "And now I, Nephi, cannot write all the things which were taught among my people; neither am I mighty in wri...

This week for my blog post I just wanted to share somethings that I learned in institute this week about understanding Isiah because it ...

In 1 Nephi 11:16-17 it says, "And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God? And I said unto him: I know that he loveth...

College life, for those who are wondering, is great! I am loving it so far, sure there are some hiccups and some hard things but all it...

This week in my religion class we started reading the Book of Mormon starts with the title page and the testimonies. My teacher said s...

In March I was accepted to attend BYU as part of the 2017 new students. :) I was super excited to attend and am planning on majoring in Fami...

By extremely popular demand I am publishing my talk on the internet as so many people have asked me for it. So here it is! My name...

So as a sufferer of depression and anxiety my life is pretty much like a roller coaster. I have ups and I have downs and right now... I...

So I'm home now from the upper endoscopy and they did not find anything abnormal. Everything looked perfect actually, how when I'm e...

So life lately... Hmmm.. I don't even really know what to say. Or how to put so many weeks of never ending frustration and pain into w...

As you read this the seconds are ticking by until I finally get my letter from BYU letting me know if I got in or not. I had my applic...

Every Sunday before my Young Single Adult ward I have to find a parking spot, which is way easier said than done. It's also been snow...

I was teaching a class the other day at the FamilySearch center and I was thinking just how amazing it is that we can get to know our ancest...

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I last posted. Life has been kind of crazy between the holidays and my service mission and...
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Wow... it's been a year since I wrote on this blog. A year. Obviously I've been busy and this has not been a priority but I am hopi...
Okay, so not going to lie I just really have not had anything major to write about. I have a lot going no but I doubt you all want to he...
Since returning home from Vienna my depression and anxiety have hit hard. Honestly, I can remember only one other time in my life wher...