Waiting is hard but I am so excited!!!

My family moved to Utah when I was ten years old, and ever since then I have been suffering from random ear pain (really intense pressure), my ears click and pop, and overall it has been just really uncomfortable. I met with an ENT a couple of years ago, but this person was not very helpful at all. He chalked up my ear problems to allergies and I had to undergo allergy shots for two years that did absolutely nothing (I stopped taking them and actually felt the same so it deffinitly was not caused by that)

After checking around on the internet I finally self diagnosed myself with eustachian tube dysfunction the symptoms of it are: plugged ears, muffled sounds, popping or clicking, pain in one of both ears, ringing in ears, and occasional trouble keeping balance. 

I have experienced every single one of those symptoms, and occasionally all of them at the same time. (yeah, not a fun experience...) All of those you know me know I can't walk in a strait line to save my life (sorry for accidentally shoving you off the sidewalk so many times Brooklyn...) and once I saw that symptom it made complete sense! 

My doctor subscribed me steroid nasal spray but that made me feel super sick and uncomfortable, so I decided to go to another ENT to see what my options were. And finally I have some answers!!! He recommended I get tubes placed in my ears so that is what I am doing on Wedensday. I am so excited and am hoping that this helps the problem that I have been having!!! :) After nine years, I'm hoping and praying that this works. 

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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