One of my Favorite Quotes

So on my mission I started something that I like to call my quote Book of Mormon (I will post about it someday). I looked for quotes to put in it, and I still look for quotes today since I have been home. One that I found while I was on my mission is by Elder D. Todd Christoferson and I have come to love this quote so incredibly much. It says: 
Okay, this quote... Has gotten me through a lot. Because it is so incredibly true, so unbelievably amazingly true! Prayer before I was diagnosed was... well I was so guilty of the pretty much same thing every day prayers. But as soon as I received my diagnosis, and even before prayer went from just a mundane task to way more than that. I truly feel as if I am not alone when I pray and I have started telling my Heavenly Father everything, and I mean everything. I know he knows what is going on with my life, but I also know that he wants to hear it from me. I feel that my relationship with my Heavenly Father and my Savior is so much stronger because I can't get through this trial in my life without them. I can't, its not possible. Sometimes while I was on my mission, and even at home I would be on my knees just a sobbing mess because I sometimes just have no idea what is going on with me and it's scary. And I feel in those moments like I'm getting a hug, that I am not alone because they understand. They know. They know it hurts, and they know it's hard but they also can see some glorious future that I can't and they have both reassured me several times that this is not forever. That I am strong enough to get through this. It sure as heck does not feel like it sometimes. I feel weak, and like I'm broken some days. But I keep fighting and pushing through the bad moments, because that is really all there is to do. Because like Elder D. Todd Christoferson has also said, I have learned how to trust my Heavenly Father completely and fully. And if this is my mountain to climb I am going to fight my way to the top, because I want to see the view. Remember, you are not alone in whatever battle you are facing! Our Heavenly Father and Savior are always there for you! Always! 
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Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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