Crafting Monday!!

Okay, sorry this post is a bit later than usual! Well a lot later than usual.. Some thing super duper exciting happened today! But I am going to be mean and make you wait to find out what it is! (Evil laugh). Anyways, progress on the blanket is going great! I have given up making blocks and have decided to just work on the flowers instead. Once all 700 or so are done (yes I know I am absolutely insane, but hey, go big or go home! ;) ). I currently have 124 of them done!  (Yay for Netflix and audio books!) So here is my "caterpillar" of flowers as I like to call it, there is a hole in the center of each flower so I like to keep them all on a long piece of yarn so I don't loose any. And by the way none of the ends are tied in yet, so that means I have (hmm... lets see 124 flowers, 4 ends of yarn on each that means there are currently...) 496 ends to tie in. And I am not even half way done with all the flowers... I am even horrified at that number, but it keeps me busy and makes me happy. Hoping to have at least 200 something done by next week (it only takes about 10-15 minutes to make a flower, sometimes less). Also I have no idea why but the picture makes the purple flowers look like they are a deep royal blue, I tried to edit the photo to fix that problem but sadly it didn't work. 

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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