So before I entered the MTC there were a ton of things that I wished I had memorized in my native language (English) before. One sister in...

Dear about to be missionary, I am super excited for you! And like me before I left on my mission you probably googled every single thi...

Remember last weeks pathetic crafting Monday? Um... this one beats that one. Notice there is no picture with this post which is highly unusu...

This is not my photo. Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I have posted anything... A) I have lost all motivation to ...

Hello Dear Readers! So I have a exciting news for all of you! I have a YouTube channel! Yay!! :D So it's mainly going to be book...

I saw something the other day that kind of stopped me in my tracks as I was surfing the internet. It was an article where someone for som...

(I got this offline, this image does not belong to me) We have all seen this meme at some point or another, and yes you saw the title...

Okay, this is going to be a really sad pathetic crafting Monday. Sometimes I get into a crafting slump and I just can't find the motiv...

(This is the church building I went to on my mission) Sundays are cool. I think it's interesting that as soon as I wake up I c...

Dear RM, Welcome home. I was once in your shoes. Fresh off the airplane, excited to see my family but terrified at the same time because...

(I did not take this photo, comes from mormon news room, belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I AM SO EXCITED!!!!...

So on my mission I started something that I like to call my quote Book of Mormon (I will post about it someday). I looked for quotes to put ...

(shelbielouise photography) Life is full of choices, tons and tons of them every single day. Some are big and some are small. Right now...

Okay, sorry this post is a bit later than usual! Well a lot later than usual.. Some thing super duper exciting happened today! But I am ...

Recently a very close friend came over to visit me and brought a paper over that has an awesome story on it that goes with the post I...

(shelbielouise photography) The refiners fire is something I have come to know very, very personally. I'm living it right now, and e...

One of my really good friends from the MTC is serving in the Mission I live in. So I emailed her the other day and told her if her and her...

Okay, temples are seriously like my favorite thing ever. I am pretty much addicted to them. Before my mission I went to eight temples in t...

So I've noticed lately that since I have been home from my mission I just don't drink as much water as I should at all. And I defini...

So I have made quite a bit of progress on my blanket this week! So I have a lot of individual flowers made (49 to be exact!) and three com...

So in my young single adult ward they talked about the importance of temples and how amazing it is that we can receive revelation there...
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Wow... it's been a year since I wrote on this blog. A year. Obviously I've been busy and this has not been a priority but I am hopi...
Okay, so not going to lie I just really have not had anything major to write about. I have a lot going no but I doubt you all want to he...
Since returning home from Vienna my depression and anxiety have hit hard. Honestly, I can remember only one other time in my life wher...
recent posts
- Helpful Things to Memorize Before You Enter the MTC
- Everything You Need to Know About the Provo MTC
- Crafting Monday!!
- Exciting News!
- I have a YouTube Channel!!
- It's Okay to Get Help
- I'm Walking to Mordor
- Crafting Monday!!
- The Beautiful Day that is Sunday
- Dear Returned Missionary
- New Temple!!!
- One of my Favorite Quotes
- Decisions...Decisions
- Crafting Monday!!
- Malachi 3:3
- The Refiners Fire
- Sometimes it Hurts
- I Love to See the Temple
- Water Challenge
- Crafting Monday!!
- Temple Challenge!