Finding God's Plan for Me Part 1

This story really starts in October of 2012 when it was announced that Elders could leave at age 18 instead of age 19 and Sisters could leave at the age of 19 instead of the age of 21. To watch that anouncement click here. (The audio starts 12 seconds in). I remember being incredibly excited but wasn't to sure that I was going on a mission or not. I figured if it happened it happened and if it didn't, it didn't. Flash forward to July of 2013 when I received my patriarchal blessing and I was told that I was going on a mission (for information on what a patriarchal blessings are click here.). And I was excited, super duper excited because I had a plan! I knew what I needed to do, but I wasn't really given a timeline so I made my own. So I decided that I would put my papers in two years after graduating from high school because I wanted to get as much of my bachelors degree done as I could. And that is pretty much the plan that I told everybody, but as my life usually goes that didn't exactly happen. 
So on May 1st 2015 I graduated from College and on May 25, 2016 I graduated from High School. So I started my bachelors degree that fall and my decision was to go into Crime Scene Investigation. After a couple of months into my major something just diddn't feel right, so I went in to talk to my academic adviser. After talking about my future education plans, and why I wanted to be a CSI major, after listening to me for a bit he looked at me for a couple of seconds and then said, "It sounds like you have no idea what you are doing with your life and you should go on your mission now." That caught me a bit off guard when he said it but as soon as my frazzled brain caught hold of the meaning of what he said it suddenly felt incredibly right. On September 17, 2015 I wrote in my journal, "Today I decided that I'm putting in my papers as soon as possible!!" After completing all the paperwork my papers were submitted on October 6, 2015...
To be continued! (Click here for part two.)

Shelbie Drake

I am a college student at Brigham Young University trying to wade through this crazy thing we call life with my mental illness. I have decided to share my story of trying to deal with mental illness in the hopes that it may help others.

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